A curated collection of the world’s finest newsletters

The Donut
Impartial daily news from DC to Wall Street to Silicon Valley. Be inspired and informed, not outraged.

Why We Buy
Exploring the motivations behind why we do what we do and how marketers can use psychology for good.

Really Good Emails
Great email templates, copywriting samples, design examples and UX tweaks to make your customers love you.

The Sizzle
Tech news & bargains with a slightly Aussie slant, which means it’s hilarious, as well as informative.

Jocelyn K Glei
Thought-provoking links, articles, and book recommendations on how to be more creative & do work that matters.

Swiss Miss
An eclectic mix of inspiration, product design and stuff that makes the world interesting & beautiful

Austin Kleon
New art, writing, and interesting links from the prolific artist, speaker, and author of Great Artists Steal & Show Your Work.

Maker Mind
Evidence-backed essays on productivity, learning, creativity, and making kickass products.

Shouting from my Shed
When I emailed Alastair last July, his autoresponder replied “I’ve gone for a bike ride. I’ll be back in the shed on September 9th.”

The Newsette
With shopping recs, lifestyle tips, inspiring interviews, and the news you need to know.

Blindspot Report
See what’s happening at the extremes of news bias and gain perspective on what each side thinks of the issue.

Nieman Lab Daily Newsletter
Digital journalism analysis and critical links that’ll help you understand the business of news.

Of Dollars and Data
Original data driven essays on personal finance. Part psychology, part contrarian, part a reminder to do the basics right.

Atlas Obscura
In an age where there is seemingly nothing new to be explored, AtlA different way of looking at the world’s wondrous places.

6 brief recommendations for cool stuff like tools, apps, movies, books and fascinating trends.

Laura Olin Newsletter
Lovely and/or meaningful things in the form of links, notes, and updates on projects.

The TueDo List
A grab-bag of Gen-X goodies: midlife stories, pop culture, and a community for grown-ass women.

Interviews with amazing womxn poster designers exploring their epic work and their approach.

Andrew Chen Newsletter
Essential reading for startup founders and anybody trying to grow something interesting.

Next Draft
The day’s most fascinating news from Dave Pell, self-proclaimed Managing Editor of the Internet.

Morning Caffeine
An exploration of the creative mind that’ll help you put the art into your work. From the creator of Death to the Stock Photo.